[Okt.2018] SCAA Students (SCAAs) Opening Ceremony and Architecture Salon 学生分会成立仪式及学术沙龙
SCAA Student Chapter Opening Ceremony and Academic Salon
地点:ETH HG D3.1
摄影:李行健 / Raphael Kunz
On October 4th, the student chapter of SCAA (SCAAs) organized its first event. The opening ceremony was combined with an architecture salon. The salon’s topic was “exchange”. In the first part of the event, Mulan Sun, the president of SCAA, and Hongyang Wang, the head of the student chapter, introduced SCAA and SCAAs. Then, four guest speakers elaborated their study and working experiences in both China and Switzerland.
“Happiness is only real when sharing”
The event started with SCAA president Mulan Sun, and she briefly explained the purpose of SCAA and the establishments since it launched. SCAA promotes the communication between Switzerland and China in the fields of architecture and Art. Since the organization was founded more than a year ago, there have been high-quality events every month. So far, SCAA has 60 members, four corporate members and two honorary members. Not only in Switzerland, SCAA has also established a chapter in Beijing. Many people say that SCAA is unique compared with Swiss-Chinese organizations, and SCAA is there to be different.
“Nowadays Multidisciplinary is not only the trend is also unavoidable”
Afterwards, the head of SCAAs, Hongyang Wang, presented the board members, vision of establishing the student chapter and future plans. The student chapter was grounded on the same belief of fostering mutual understanding between Swizterland and China. However, the student chapter will focus on academic events, aiming to serve students, scholars and young professionals. No matter which studies, everyone benefits from getting to know other fields, learning and understanding other professions. It is important to exchange ideas and generate conversations with young professionals and experts. It can even shape one’s future plan.
“Sharing makes us understand Others”
The first guest speaker Scott Llyod shared his visits in China and working experiences as an architecture exhibition curator. As an architect, he first talked about the importance of cooperating and understanding other team players, which can be only achieved by exchange. As an Australian, he moved away from the US and started to get to know China at an interesting historical point. In 2006, he was invited to be the curator of the 2nd Architectural biennale in Beijing. Coming to Beijing before the 2008 Olympics, he witnessed an ancient country in drastic change. During organizing the exhibition in China, things happened in “Chinese speed”. The whole idea of the exhibition was formed in the last three months and was put together in three days on site. In 2016, Scott again was invited to curate an urbanization exhibition.
第一位嘉宾Scott Llyod分享了自己在中国旅游和策划建筑艺术展的经验。Scott首先从建筑师的角度阐述了不论在何种情境下,对于建筑很重要的就是与各方合作,分享便是理解团队中其他人的思想所必不可少得。Scott作为开放的澳洲人,在特别的历史节点上选择离开美国去了解中国。他刚好在08年奥运前夕受邀在北京策划建筑双年展。来到北京,他看到了一个正在巨变的古国。在紧张的筹备期间,有很多有趣的标志性的“中国速度“的事情发生,场馆在3个月内设计完成,最后布展关头场地又出问题最后三天内布置好。在16年,又再次受邀策划了关于城市化的展览。
“Experience the Architecture in its own Surroundings”
The second guest, Ruizhe Cheng obtained his Bachelor of Architecture at the Southeast university in China and is currently pursuing his master at the ETH. He presented his experiences and understanding of culture differences with a few important architectural books he encountered over years. He was astonished by the level of details in one Swiss architectural book. Many times, he felt limited by words and pictures in books. Being able to study in Switzerland and travel in Europe changed that. It enabled him to experience and embrace famous architecture and cities, and this has become important for his studies.
“Learn and Grow from Contrast”
Our third guest David went to Nanjing six years ago from ETH for an exchange semester. To him, the difference between China and Switzerland is humongous, from population, scale and density of cities, culture to language. There were many memorable imprints in China that he shared, from Chinese food, the way of living to local people. The radical contrastbetween countries made him think, broadened his horizons and deepened his understanding of other countries and cultures.
“Politics and Architecture”
Famous architect Pascal was the last speaker. His architecture practice owns offices in Zurich, Shanghai and Berlin. He lived in China for 10 years and during his talk, he shared the design process of Ningbo Urban Planning Center, during which many unique political incidents happened.The building is an important landmark for Ningbo, and during the long period of design and construction, the mayor of Ningbo changed twice. It was examined by three mayors, and the whole process was prolonged by different opinions from different mayors. Based on this experience, Pascal hopes that architects should learn more about and even participate in social and political activities, because architecture doesn’t stand alone without social and political context.
最后一位嘉宾Pascal 是一位著名的建筑师,他成立的建筑事务所目前在苏黎世、北京与柏林都有分部。此次,他与大家分享了在中国生活工作过10年的经历以及即将在中国建成的宁波城市规划中心项目。他讲述了宁波城市规划中心在设计、竞标、中标、建造过程中所遇到印象深刻的事例。此建筑设计对宁波市很重要,整个设计过程经历了三届宁波市长的审查与调整,最终落成并且即将实现极其不易。他希望更多的建筑师意识到建筑与社会、政治密不可分,要多去了解甚至参与到社会、政治活动中去。
SCAAs Team:
Head of SCAAs: Hongyang Wang
Deputy head of SCAAs: Yiqiu Liu
Deputy head of SCAAs: Xingjian Li
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