[May.2019] Gravitational Field – Structure and Urban Regeneration 引力场4.0 结构与城市再生
- 时间:2019年5月10日星期五18:30
- 地点:苏黎世建筑中心 ZAZ Bellerive, Höschgasse 3, Zürich
- 主持:孙慕蘭
- 海报:汪弢
- 摄影:Raphael Kunz
- 英语报道:Tian Chiang
- 中文报道:杨晴川
Since its founding in May 2017, the inherent idea of SCAA had been to create a high-quality platform for exchanging ideas on architecture and art between Switzerland and China. This May, SCAA had the honour to host an event in ZAZ Bellerive, moderated by Mrs. Mulan Sun (President of SCAA) that is to be the beginning of a collaboration between Hangzhou-based architecture practice Group of Architects GOA and the ETH chair of Structural Design in Zurich.
整晚活动以大象设计GOA资深项目经理卿州的演讲开始,她解释了GOA以经验为本的整体设计理念,以及来自大自然的灵感如何塑造了每一个项目。拥有800名员工的GOA相信文化多元化的相关性。自成立20多年来,公司在中国(杭州,上海,北京,南京)设立了四个办事处,并在各个领域开展了1500多个项目:豪华酒店比如西湖著名的四季酒店,艺术博物馆或高层建筑,GOA总是仔细研究城市和自然环境,并深入到一比一的细节中去。经过与Renzo Piano建筑事务所为期七年的天目里项目的合作,GOA新的杭州总部将于2020年迁至其中。
The evening started with a presentation by GOA senior project manager Qing Zhou. She explained GOA‘s holistic philosophy of experienced-focused design and how inspiration from nature shapes each of their projects. With 800 employees, GOA believes in the relevance of cultural diversification. Since its beginning more than 20 years ago, the company has established four locations in China (Hangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing) and worked on over 1500 projects from various fields: Be it luxury hotels like the famous Four Seasons at the West Lake, an art museum or a new high rise building, the architects always carefully look at the urban and natural context and go into 1:1 details. After seven years of collaborative work with Renzo Piano on the innovative Maison Moree development, GOA will move its new Hangzhou headquarter to it in 2020.
ETH校友、现任GOA合伙人的王彦讲述了“引力场”项目背后的故事:“建筑艺术与公共文化的多重耦合”。想法是通过对城市景观的微妙干预,在被遗忘的城市空间上创建激活点。2015年,第一个名为“韧山水”的引力场是一个竹结构,以使地铁站前的通行广场更加生动。接下来的项目如“城市泡泡”或“城市三角洲”,同样也是人们公开参与的地方 – 即是艺术空间又是游憩场所。今年的引力场4.0项目将与ETH结构设计教席一起成为国际联合教学计划(计划于10月在上海完成)。
Wang Yan, former student at the ETH and now principal of GOA, told the story behind the “Gravitational Field” projects: “Multiple Coupling of Architectural Art and Public Culture”. It was the idea to create activation spots on unused city spaces through subtle interventions in the urban landscape. In 2015, the first Gravitational Field called “Flexible Landscape” was a bamboo structure to enliven a pass-through plaza in front of a subway station. Following projects, like “City Bubble” or “City Delta”, were likewise platforms that people openly engaged with – art spaces and playgrounds at the same time. This year‘s Gravitational Field project will be an international joint teaching initiative together with the ETH chair of Structural Design (completion planned for October in Shanghai).
作为结构设计教席的负责人,Joseph Schwartz教授介绍了他对这个建筑学科教学的想法。结构设计旨在平衡物理需要和创造自由的关系。不仅仅是关于力的承载,Schwartz教授认为其本质是由材料、力流和建筑概念之间的关系形成的三角形。教授用学生项目说明了“设计的艺术”,以非常自然的方式,用这个概念来创造非凡的结构解决方案。Schwartz教授教席的讲师兼博士后研究员Pierluigi D’Acunto展示了一个项目,其中胶合板成为ETH校园的一个活动特征,通过结构设计应用创造的空间。ETH讲师兼Raplab(快速建筑原型实验室)负责人Alessandro Tellini展示了他从混凝土壳体实验中学到的知识。曹婷博士和学生Simon Brandigi展示了由复杂光滑的多面体表面结构创造的有趣的有机空间。
As head of the chair of Structural Design, Prof. Dr. Joseph Schwartz presented the ideas behind his teaching of this architectural discipline. Structural Design aims for a balance between physical necessity and creative freedom. Rather than being merely about load bearing, Schwartz sees the essence of it in the center of a triangle formed by the relationships between material, flow of forces and architectural concept. The professor illustrated the “Art of Design” with student projects that, in a very natural way, work with this concept to create extraordinary structural solutions. Pierluigi D‘Acunto, lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at Schwartz‘s chair, showed a project where plywood boards became an activational feature on the ETH campus, simply through the space they created by the application of Structural Design. Alessandro Tellini, also lecturer at the ETH and head of the Raplab (Rapid Architectural Prototyping Laboratory), demonstrated his learnings from a concrete shell experiment. Dr. Ting Cao and Student Simon Brandigi presented the interesting organic spaces created by complex smooth polyhypar surface structures.
活动最后GOA资深合伙人胡凌华副总经理向观众作了结束语。ETH和GOA之间的合作将成为中瑞之间交流新可能性的起点。它具有很大的未来潜力,就像水中卵石激起的新圈子 – 新的领域。
For the closing words GOA senior principal Linghua Hu turned to the audience. The collaboration between the ETH and GOA are to be a starting point for new possibilities of exchange between Switzerland and China. It bears a lot of potential for the future, just like a pebble in the water creating new circles – new fields.