We are very pleased that you are interested in an SCAA Membership / Patronage!

The SCAA brings together professionals from the fields of architecture, design and art, as well as related fields, who are mainly pursing their professions in Switzerland and China and provides them a good platform to exchange ideas and share experince. Here, financial and non-material support from our members and patrons is essential for the realisation and further development of the SCAA programme.

The SCAA team sincerely thanks you for the social engagement that you have shown, and is pleased to welcome you to the circle of members and patrons.

Contact: info@scaa.ch

Individual Member

CHF 100.- per calendar year

Interested in Architecture, art and culture.

– 1 personalised membership card with free admission to all SCAA events
– Personal invitation to vernissage and event
– Regular newsletter

Corporate member

CHF 500.- per calendar year

A principal activity of the company in the fields of architecture, design or art, as well as the appointment of a SCAA individual member in the operational management of your company.

– 2 non-personalised membership cards with free admission to all SCAA events
– Your company name mentioned on the SCAA website
– Personal invitation to vernissage and event
– Regular newsletter


We would be very happy to inform you personally about the individual sponsoring options and to compile a sponsoring proposal for you on the basis of your wishes and requirements.

Please contact: info@scaa.ch

Student Member

CHF 50.- per calendar year

Please send a copy of your student card to scaas@scaa.ch.

– 1 personalised membership card with free admission to all SCAA events
– Personal invitation to vernissage and event
– Regular newsletter


From CHF 1’000.- per calendar year

– 3 non-personalised membership cards with free admission to all SCAA events
– You name mentioned on the SCAA website
– Annual report with your name mentioned
– Personal invitation to vernissage and event
– Regular newsletter