[March.2019] Urban Living Stories 都市生活故事
“城市总是提供着隐姓埋名、丰富多样和千丝万缕的联系,这些性质极好的沉浸在步行之中:一个人不必进入面包房或去找算命先生,只要知道这种可能性。 一个城市所能包含的比任何居民所了解的都更多,一个伟大的城市总是可以用未知性和可能性来刺激想象力。“
– 丽贝卡•索尔尼 《浪游之歌》
地点:苏黎世建筑中心 ZAZ Bellerive, Höschgasse 3, Zürich
摄影:Raphael Kunz
在今年的国际妇女节瑞士中国建筑师和艺术家协会(SCAA)举办了一场节日特别活动,三位瑞士顶级的女建筑师受邀参加了SCAA圆桌论坛,由SCAA副主席汪弢主持,论坛在苏黎世湖边一座漂亮的别墅ZAZ Bellerive举行。来自日本的Hiromi Hosoya,出生于韩国的Yoo Na Ho 和带有尼泊尔血统的 Maya Scheibler,组成了一个多元的专业小群体,表达了她们对城市生活故事有个人见解。每位嘉宾都带上自己选择的图片作为辅助,以讲述她们的故事。
On this year‘s International Women‘s Day the SCAA held a special event. Its team had invited three leading Swiss female architects to participate in a panel discussion in Zurich. SCAA vice president Wang Tao moderated the conversation, which took place in a beautiful villa at the lake – the ZAZ Bellerive. Hiromi Hosoya from Japan, Korean-born Yoo Na Ho and Maya Scheibler, with her Nepalese roots, formed a multi-facetted group of far-travelled professionals with personal insights on urban living stories. Each panel guest had been asked to bring images with them as illustrations to accompany the discussion.
Hiromi Hosoya是苏黎世Hosoya Schaefer建筑公司的合伙人,她分享了她从日本出生、美国求学、再次回到日本、最后来到瑞士的经历。她将东京大都会的鸟瞰景色和苏黎世的绿色并置起来。这些照片以及Hiromi作品的效果图展示了她对尺度的理解,她始终尊重当地的居民和他们的日常生活。“什么是城市生活?”是一个反复出现的问题,Hosoya Schaefer建筑事务所一直致力于一个名为“工业城市”的课题:重新思考数字时代的城市工业。该工作室认为未来城市需要更高的生产力。它需要将多功能复合使用与技术进步相结合,并同时实现零排放生产。Hiromi的最后一张照片展示了这些问题与实际社会生活有多密切关系的一个例子:随着社会老龄化,日本面临房屋被遗弃的问题。建筑师Kosuke Bando将一座空荡荡的老房子变成了“卫星办公室”。通过赋予建筑物透明度和功能,使其成为一个积极的空间,并通过数字媒介将其与城市连接。
Hiromi Hosoya is the partner of Hosoya Schaefer Architects in Zurich. With her images, Hiromi shared the story of her journey from Japan, where she had been born, over America, where she had studied, back to Japan and finally to Switzerland. She showed aerial views of metropolitan Tokyo next to green shots of Zurich. These photographies as well as visualizations of Hiromi‘s work revealed her sense of scale, always respecting the inhabitants and their everyday life. “What is urban living?” was a recurring question and Hosoya Schäfer Architects have been working on a project called “The Industrious City: Rethinking urban industry in the digital age”. The studio states that a city needs to be more productive in the future. It will need to combine mixed use with technical advancement while aiming for emission-free productivity. Hiromi‘s last image showed an example of how closely these issues are related to actual social life: With the aging society, Japan is facing problems of abandoned houses. Architect Kosuke Bando had transformed an empty old house into a satellite office. By giving transparency and purpose to the building, it became a positive space and by digital means created a linkage to the city.
Yoo Na Ho是荷兰建筑和城市设计公司KCAP苏黎世工作室的合伙人,她带来的照片展示了街道的居住生活。无论在土耳其的Gecekondu还是在韩国的市场,充满活力的街道空间都展示了私密和公共的融合。在KCAP的项目中,Yoo Na Ho 和她的团队努力实现私密与公共、新与旧之间的平衡。他们制定规则,以便保证城市中的“中间”空间以回馈人民。城市发展不仅要考虑公共可居住的地方,还需考虑能源、流动性和物流等因素。随着数字化工具的应用,城市可以扩大,但它们需要发展成为一个平衡的网络:景观、现有的公共结构和新的地标。
Yoo Na Ho is the associate partner of KCAP Zurich office. She brought pictures illustrating the inhabitation of streets. Be it in a Turkish Gecekondu or on a Korean market, dynamic street spaces show the urban merging of private and public. In the projects at KCAP, Yoo Na and her team work towards a balance of private and public, of old and new. They set rules in order to always keep certain “in-between” spaces that a city gives back to the people. Urban developments should not only consider public inhabitable places but also integrate factors like energy, mobility and logistics. With digitalization as a tool, cities can grow but they need to grow as a well-balanced network of landscape elements, existing public structures and new landmarks.
Maya Scheibler是苏黎世建筑事务所Scheibler&Villard的合伙人,她的视角将观众带至各个国家。这位年轻的建筑师展示了城市生活中的门槛空间。通过简单的扩展底座,尼泊尔巴克塔普尔的房屋提供了一个人们积极使用的半公共区域。Scheibler & Villard位于巴塞尔的一个项目旨在创建多样化的行走路径、社区和未定义的开放空间,以打破大型建筑结构中的匿名气氛。对于未来,玛雅相信城市间可相互学习。她展示了孟买市场的照片,作为致密和空旷可以共存的一个例子。更重要的是,人们在这些空间中发挥着主导作用,是人类设定着尺度。
Maya Scheibler is the partner of Scheibler & Villard architects in Zurich. Maya‘s insights took the audience to various countries. The young architect showed threshold spaces that make a difference in urban life. Through simple extended plinths, houses in Bhaktapur, Nepal offer a semi-public zone that people actively use. A project from Scheibler Villard in Basel intentedly creates diverse circulations paths, community areas and undefined open spaces to break up anonymous atmospheres in large building structures. For the future, Maya believes in cities learning from each other. She showed the picture of a market in Mumbai as an example of density and emptiness existing at the same time. And more importantly, people play a leading role in these spaces, it is the human who sets the scale.
汪弢问三位嘉宾是否认为瑞士有什么地方是可以指导或者能从其他国家的城市规划中学习和借鉴的。Hiromi重视瑞士人对建筑进行民主辩论的成熟度,以及他们坚信建筑物对生活产生重大影响的坚定信念。 Yoo Na强调了瑞士提供的灵活规划工具,这使得落实城市质量概念成为可能。 Maya认为,瑞士可以从世界其他地区学习如何处理密度与共享的关系。
Wang Tao asked the three guests if they thought Switzerland had something to teach to or learn from other countries’ urban planning. Hiromi valued the maturity with which Swiss people democratically debated about architecture and their firm belief that buildings made a significant difference in life. Yoo Na highlighted the flexible planning instruments that Switzerland offered, which made it possible to implement concepts about urban quality. Maya believed that Switzerland could also learn from how the topics of density and sharing were lived in other areas of the world.
The lively questions from the audience showed that the matter of urban life concerns and affects everybody. The cities and urban environments of the future will need to react more efficiently to the upcoming needs of society and space. Combination of uses and flexibility of structures could be a way to affordable cohabitation. Yet buildings can only offer possibilities, it is the humans who are to live out their own stories.